Moisture retention in the soil, enabling plants to overcome drought periods

Natural soil conditioner

For all soil types


  • Improves water supply and helps to overcome drought-stress problems
  • Stabilizes soil ecosystem guaranteeing better nutrient utilization and mobilization
  • lncreases yield and crop quality
  • Improves water and nutrient uptake by plant root system
  • Improves aeration and water penetration into the soil
  • Improves biomass production
  • Increases root and plant growth, plant health

Enriches the soil with essential, long lasting micro-nutrients, calcium-, magnesium- ions and humic acid to improve soil fertility. The granules have an extremely high absorption capacity and work as long- lasting, rechargeable mini-water reservoirs.


  • Simultaneously with sowing and seeds
  • Under seedbed cultivation
  • Under main tillage

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