Enhancement of reproductive organ formation and fruiting processes, for crops with high boron needs or during growth and development phases that are sensitive to boron nutrition

Rich in boron and fulvic acid

Crops: cotton, sunflower, sugar beet, potato, rice, soybean, alfalfa, and strawberry


  • Improves plant health
  • Increases resistance to diseases and pests
  • Provides seasonal boron need
  • Prolongs effective flowering and increases the number of fruits
  • Increases storage and transportation capabilities of fruits, berries, and green crops
  • Has a strong, natural chelating function for better uptake and utilization of micronutrients
  • Improves stress resistance against cold and drought
  • Activates photosynthesis
  • Stimulates production of polyphenols and proteins
  • lncreases yield and crop quality
  • Higher levels of valuable substances and flavorings (e.g. vitamins, sugars, flavonoids, starch)
  • Reduces water demand due to improved stomata function

Boron improves carbohydrate, protein, and nucleic metabolism.


  • Young plants and/or fresh leaves
  • Before periods when strong vegetative growth is expected
  • After flowering
  • After fruits have formed

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