Spring barley, Kazakhstan, 2023, PRILL CaMgS

CROP: Spring barley, “Reliable” variety

PRODUCT: PRILL CaMgS (soil application)

YEAR:  2023

COUNTRY: Kazakhstan


  1. Control.  N24P24К24 background
  2. Background N24P24K24 + PRILL CaMgS: granular. Main/pre-sowing application to the soil, product consumption –
    80 kg/ha.
  3. Background N24P24K24 + PRILL CaMgS: granular. Main/pre-sowing application to the soil, product consumption – 120 kg/ha.
  4. Background N24P24K24 + PRILL CaMgS: granular. Main/pre-sowing application to the soil, product consumption – 140 kg/ha.

Trial plots area – 100 m², observed plots area – 50 m². Trial repetitiveness — four times.


  1. Yield increase compared to control with NPK background: 11.34-28.34%.
  2. The increase in yield resulted from the growth of productive stems number, length of the ear, number of grains in the ear, and the mass of 1000 seeds.
  3. Quality indicators of the grain also improved: the protein content in the grain increased by 0.63-1.24% (in absolute values), and the mass of 1000 seeds increased by 1.3-2.6 g.
  4. The maximum result was achieved with the application of a dose of 140 kg/ha.
  5. All yield increases exceeded the experimental error and were statistically significant.
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Chamerstrasse 172
6300 ZUG
+41 43 545-28-06



The perfect balance for all soil types, a universal basic fertilizer that is used in addition to traditional technologies

For all soil types and crops


  • Strengthens plant resistance to adverse environmental conditions (drought and frost resistance) and fungal diseases
  • Activates photosynthesis, amino acid synthesis, protein and fat production, oxidation-reduction processes in plants
  • Improves root growth and adsorption capacity of plants
  • Allows reduction dose of mineral fertilizers up to 30% without loss in yield and quality
  • Regulates soil reactions, the composition of absorbed cations, the salt and ionic composition of the soil solution
  • Increases soil's moisture capacity
  • Increases yield by 10-25%

Calcium and magnesium comprehensively solve the problems of soil acidity, fertility and plant nutrition.
The high calcium content in ultrafine form delivers a rapid effect. Deoxidation occurs 3-4 weeks after application depending on conditions.

Sulfur participates in nitrogen and carbohydrate metabolism in plants, synthesis of fats, and enhances tissue respiration. It enhances the growth and absorption activity in the root system, as a result, the nitrogen and phosphorus content in the aboveground organs increases.


  • In autumn for tillage.
  • In spring after snowfall, on frozen soil.
  • Before sowing for pre-sowing cultivation.
  • Extranutrition during vegetation period (under irrigation).

learn more
For all soil types
Rich in amino acids

Suitable for pre-sowing treatment of seeds, tubers, and seedlings.

  • Supports growing and increases germination of seeds
  • Improves early plant development Protects root development of newly planted seedlings and young plants
  • Improves young plant resistance toward cold, heat, drought and disease
  • Demonstrates excellent adhesion to seed surface


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Rich in magnesium, fulvic and humic acids
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Rich in boron and fulvic acid
For citrus plants, grape, tomato, and fruits
Rich in iron and fulvic acid
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Rich in fulvic and humic acids
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