Crops: cotton, sunflower, sugar beet, potato, rice, soybean, alfalfa, and strawberry
- Improves plant health
- Increases resistance to diseases and pests
- Provides seasonal boron need
- Prolongs effective flowering and increases the number of fruits
- Increases storage and transportation capabilities of fruits, berries, and green crops
- Has a strong, natural chelating function for better uptake and utilization of micronutrients
- Improves stress resistance against cold and drought
- Activates photosynthesis
- Stimulates production of polyphenols and proteins
- lncreases yield and crop quality
- Higher levels of valuable substances and flavorings (e.g. vitamins, sugars, flavonoids, starch)
- Reduces water demand due to improved stomata function
Boron improves carbohydrate, protein, and nucleic metabolism.
- Young plants and/or fresh leaves
- Before periods when strong vegetative growth is expected
- After flowering
- After fruits have formed